
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Seeking Encouragement

Wondrous Father in heaven, who else are we to worship but you alone? There is none worthy who is able to compare to the glory that you display to your creation. For you have created, sustained, and loved that which you have made, and we thank you for such a joyous thing. We thank you for the love that you have filled us with by the work of your spirit, and the joy you have given us that we may endure the worst of sufferings. We are your children and we desire to be nothing else but just that. Thank you for your blessings and your love and your mercy and grace. In Jesus name, Amen.

Many times, I let my pride get in the way of seeking out guidance. I don't want people to know I'm depressed so I'm not gonna tell anyone about it, or I don't want people to know that I actually struggle with certain temptations, so I think I'll keep that to myself. I never want to share with people my faults, only where I exceed. My brothers and sisters, be humble enough to share your story, to seek guidance, and to enjoy the fellowship of other believers. We, as christians, are not called to be shy with our testimonies, to be quiet when temptation comes, or to put a mask on when we are feeling depressed. In fact, we are called to rejoice in our weaknesses so that God may be glorified.

Let yourself be humble enough my friends, to approach other believers that you may seek guidance, accountability and deeper friendship. My prayer for you is that, in seeking these things, the Christian body will develop and grow closer and stronger in Christ. The Bible says that you will never experience a temptation that is not common to other people, so seek out your friends who are gracious to forgive and ask for help. The christian body is made to support, to encourage, to love, to forgive in the name of Jesus. Let's do so for each other.

The voice of God is not always easy to hear, in fact, it can, at times, be very difficult to hear. Sometimes, when you want to hear the voice of God most, is when it is the most difficult to hear. In these times of spiritual stress, seek out your brothers and sisters that are hearing the voice of God and let them pray on your behalf for wisdom and for guidance and come back to you when they have heard something from God. After they have returned and shared with you, discern what they have shared to see if it is truly from the heart of God, and based on your discernment, act.

The body of Christ is meant to be used as a tool that uplifts other within the body of Christ, at least that is part of it's purpose. May those who are gifted in encouraging, encourage. Those who are gifted in teaching, teach. Those who are gifted as loving, love. May the body of Christ unite and show the world that Christ is love.

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." - 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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