
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Priceless Security in Jesus

Are you ever amused by the people surrounding you? As I type this, I can't help but smirk every once and a while a three older women across the coffee shop from me discuss local problems, problems with their husbands, and topics of such unimportance that it would fascinate even the most dull of human beings. But beyond that, beyond the gossip and the problem-solving lies something greater that is in these women's eyes.

Sorry, one of them just said, "you would have had your fanny kicked if you wouldn't have bought that."


Anyways, beyond the gossip and the problem solving lies something greater that we all desire. Something that we all long for, that these women seem to have found at this moment, though I believe it to fade within moments.

You see, the conversation amongst them is swiftly changing topics; from clothes to husbands to politics.  And each one of them desires to talk. To me, it appears there is a great sense of excitement and satisfaction as one of them begins a new topic, but as the topic drifts from what one of them desires it to be on, there is a slight change in demeanor. They seem to be troubled that the conversation is no longer focused on the wisdom they have to offer, but it has transferred to another person in the room, causing them insecurity in who they are.

Now they are debating whether it's proper to refer to them as "Pine-cones, or Fir-cones"

Because in a group of two, there is one other person to focus on. But in a group of three, there are moments of insecurity when the conversation is more focused on two people, and the third is left feeling insecure.


However, even in the little things, there is freedom in Christ. The Bible says that

"Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more?" - Galatians 4:8-9

You are secure!

Be confident in the Jesus who walked towards that cross with love in his heart.

That is your purpose.

Go live it.

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