
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Do You Trust God's Leadership?

How much does God dictate your life?

It's an answer that might surprise you and is shockingly easy to reason your way to.

First, we have to know the main factors that determine who we become as a person, and the route that our life take's altogether.

Probably the foremost factor that effects every individual and creates them into who they become is other people. For example, the way your parents treat you, your boss at work, your best friends, your childhood teachers, etc... People is the main factor because other people determine your success, your place of residence, your happiness, pretty much everything! Weather is another factor that could effect your life span and when you die, but people seem like a much greater factor.

So then, the question is...

Does God control other people?

If God does control other people, that would mean that he also controls me and you, which would obviously mean that he controls absolutely everything in our life (we know he has control over weather conditions and the earths cycles). However, if we reject that God controls other people, that would mean that he also doesn't control us (perhaps a bit more comforting of an assumption on the surface). But we then run into a problem, God isn't really sovereign then, is he? Because if God doesn't control people, he can't answer your prayers that revolve around life-change in people, or for that matter, any prayers that relate to people at all.

The Bible clearly describes our God as a God who has a plan for the earth and all it's people (Proverbs 16:9, Proverbs 19:21).

So, if it is true that God controls your life, he controls my life, he controls every individual's life (even though practically this doesn't seem to be the case), what are we to do?

Well there is only one question to answer.

God controls your life. PERIOD.

Do you trust his leadership?
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