
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Prayer Works

Hear we are Father, your children, desiring you, and you alone. Will you hear us this day? Hear our prayer and let us partake of the blood of Christ. May we every day pick up our cross and walk next to Jesus, may you accept our sacrifice of a broken heart, and repair it that we may have life to the fullest. We thank you for your gifts this day and ask that you would allow us to be your servants. In Jesus name, Amen.

Why do you pray? Is it because you were told to pray before you eat? Is it because thats what you've always done? Is it because that what they told you to do when you became a Christian? Or is it because you believe it truly has the power to change reality? I truly believe that Christians would live differently if the latter options was the real reason we prayed. Too often, Christians pray because thats what they grew up doing, or because they think it's a requirement to get into heaven, or because they know they should probably ask for forgiveness now and again.

One of the main reasons Christians have trouble believing in prayer is because they don't understand how it works. Do you not understand my friend that merely because you don't understand how something works doesn't mean it does not work? If you are using a computer, do you know every detail about how that computer is built, and how it works? I assume not. But does that computer work none the less? Yes. This is the same as prayer. Because you don't understand how it works does not give credit to the assumption that it doesn't. Someone will say "But if I pursue it, I can figure out how that computer works!" Yes you can, because we are the creators of the computer. Whoever created something is obviously aware of the means by which it functions. We created computers, so we understand how it works, but we did not create prayer. God did, and only God is aware of how it works; we just know it does.

Do you have to know how a computer works to use it? I'm not talking about "click here" or "click there" but the stuff inside the computer that makes it work. No, of course not! You don't have to know what is going on inside the hard drive to use a computer sufficiently. Again, prayer is the same. You don't have to know how it works to use it. God controls how it works, and we are recipients of it. It is a gift given to us that we are meant to use as Christians. Do you yet understand my friend, that prayer works?

I urge you brothers and sisters, pray earnestly, attentively, and with faith. I don't know how it works, but I know it does because I've seen it work. It is one of our most powerful weapons against the enemy and for the building up of the body. God has granted it, we are to use it. Please friends, pray, it works.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." - Romans 12:12

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