
Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Life Worth Following

Today I am going to tell you about a friend of mine and take you on a journey that is worth following. This man was such a great person that he ended up dying for his causes. He has helped transform my life through his actions and words. He has set an example for me to live by; one that I am still seeking to emulate. But don’t let me get too far ahead of myself. 

When and where did I meet this guy? Well, my family has been great friends with him for my whole life, but for some reason I hadn’t met him. Thankfully though, he was able to make it to my family’s church camp two years ago. This was my first encounter with this man I had heard so much about. Throughout the weekend I was able to get to know him quite well. I got to the point where I trusted and respected him enough to share my struggles, failures, and even sins. He worked with me through many of these things, giving me advice that he gained throughout his lifetime. He spoke and displayed so much fatherly wisdom to me during this time. It was like I had just struck gold, as if I had found something undiscovered to so many. As the weekend came to a close I was ecstatic that I had a new friend, whom I trusted, respected, and enjoyed. We began hanging out at a local Starbucks on weekends, just talking about life. Those times were great, to the point I wish I would have hung out with him during the week. What makes this man so special? What really drew me to him?

There are a few things in particular that really set him apart from everyone else. The first is how he handles himself. He isn’t flashy, in fact that might be the last word I would use to describe him. He is the type of person that goes under the radar, avoiding all the attention, like a football player who chooses to drive a minivan instead of a $100,000 Mercedes. Despite his appearance, people were drawn to the glow he gave off. He lights up the world like fireflies lighting up the sky. However, many people choose not to be his friend. This is because he demands so much out of everyone he meets. You can’t just get away with being a so-so person around him; you have to be on fire for the Lord. He doesn’t allow you to be the type of person to just sit on the fence and partake in both sides. I, on the other hand, was drawn to this characteristic; to how he pushed me to be the best that I could be. 

Another characteristic that set him apart was his humility. Not just in how he handled himself, but also through his actions. Even though he was a man with a high position job where he oversaw a multitude of people, he chose to work with people who were poor, broken, and drug addicted. He chose to stoop down from his high position and work with those that needed help; weekly he would go down under the tunnels to talk and have lunch with these outcasts. That action right there is checking your ego at the door, laying down your pride, and making a difference.

He has also taught me a great many lessons about forgiveness, to the point that I lost count. Sadly, though, most of those lessons were as a result of me. Even though I connected really well with him, I tended to do things that weren’t respectful of him and hurt him. One time I really dishonored him. But the next day, when I saw him, he didn’t treat me any different. It was as if nothing had happened. I looked at him and said, “Why are you treating me with so much respect when I treated you with none?” He looked me in the eyes and said, “We all make mistakes and I forgive you.” He showed me kindness and forgiveness even when I didn’t deserve them. He truly lived out Romans 12:14, which says, “Bless those that persecute you…” I want to be the exact same way. I want to be able to forgive others, even when they hurt me. Even though he would forgive me, I seemed to always “stab” him in the back the next week. Until ultimately one day I treated him extremely bad, stating that I didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. Before I had a chance to reconcile with him, he was involved in an ally attack. He was beaten up behind an old sawmill, where old wood just sat rotting away. He was beaten up so bad that he ended up dying an hour later in the hospital. This really tore me up inside; truly crushed by what I had done to him. However, he had left a letter for me, which for some reason I hadn’t opened yet. I decided that the time was right to see what he had written. It brought me to my knees in tears. “Son, I know what you are going to do. You will disown me and sin against me. But that is why I came. I came to save the sinners; to die in your place. So that one day you may stand before the Lord as white as snow. I love you and I forgive you!”

The man I have shared with you is the only man who has walked a perfect life on this earth. His name is Jesus of Nazareth. He set the perfect example of how to live. And no matter how long ago He lived, His influence remains. I want to live a life of humility and forgiveness, just like him. And no matter the pressure that comes, I want to live for the Lord. Even if I am taken to the stake to be burned, to be a martyr, I want to serve the Lord. Jesus is not just my friend, He is yours as well. It doesn’t matter how far you have fallen; because He left that same note for you. “You are forgiven.”

- Seth Henry

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