
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Introduction: Christianity uncovered

Some while ago, I was asked a question that I found somewhat difficult to answer, even though if I would of thought about this question prior to being asked it, I probably would of said to myself "Yes, that's an easy one." None the less, after realizing this to be a somewhat challenging question for myself, I thought it essential that I explain to my fellow brother and sister's in christ, and hopefully to some that don't know much about God, the answer to this complex question. The question that I was asked was "What does it mean to be a christian?" It is very possible that if I was asked a theological question, I would find less difficulty in answering that than in answering the actual asked question. Often times, I find that, I myself, get too focused on theological ideas of the bible that I forget to get back to what really matters, forget to get back to the basics.

Throughout this series, we will study subjects such as: different denominations of christianity, the role of a christian, spiritual gifts, and acceptance of Christ. These are divine truth's that I feel are not studied or looked upon often enough. I will do my best to remain away from strong theological points but let us remember that I am imperfect and I would expect that some will unknowingly slip into this series.

My hope for this series is that the people reading them would become stronger in their faith with Christ and that possibly some people, by God's grace, may come to know him. I ask for prayer during this series from fellow christian's so that I would not make the mistake of getting hung up on theological ideas. I am by no means against theology or deep thinking of the bible, for that is the reason I even started the blogs. But for this series, I feel it is important that we focus on God's amazing grace and how to worship and come to know such an awesome God. God bless all of you and I hope God speaks to you during this series.
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