
Thursday, April 7, 2016

A 3-Day Eternity?

Here's my thought.

If the punishment for the most minor slight against God is -- as generally confessed -- an eternal punishment in hell (which in and of itself irks me), how did Jesus' death and three day visit to Sheol compensate for the sins of those who would believe in him?

Do you see the discrepancy?

And I know... Jesus is God and he lived a perfect life, so in some ambiguous way, this discrepancy is reconciled through these truths.

But I'm not satisfied. Even if it's only 1 billion people who ever truly believed in Christ by the time Jesus returns (and that is a major low-ball), that is still 1 billion eternities in hell and somehow Jesus' three hours of pain and three days of death satisfied that wrath?

My first thought is that either the punishment for sin is not an eternity in hell as we've assumed, or that Jesus died for something beside our sin. Both dangerous assumptions in our anti-intellectual Christian culture that has developed.

But I'm still wrestling.

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