
Thursday, February 19, 2015

How to Live out your full potential

Hello everyone!

For about six years now, I've been posting on this blog my nuggets of wisdom. Some nuggets extraordinary, if I may say so, and some nuggets well...not so much. You have your favorites and so do I. But that's besides the point.

The point is that I haven't posted for a while because I am working on writing a book.

Here's what it's about.

How to live out your full potential (practically, that is. None of that vague crap.)

Have you ever wondered how to live out your Christian Faith in the work place? Maybe you've wondered what it looks like to disciple someone. Have you ever wondered where the heck to even start with your relationship with God?

My hope is to answer these crazy common and crazy important questions. If these topics interest you, join me in writing a book that will help you, me, and everyone who reads it live out their full potential.

I need some people I trust who would be willing to read excerpts of my book as I write and give me honest and brutal feedback. If you are going to tell me everything is good and there is nothing to be fixed, than don't worry about reading it, except for perhaps your own enjoyment. 

But if you like to tear things apart, and be incredibly critical of people, than I want you in my editing army. 

Here's the deal, I will be posting what I have written on the blog and expecting feedback in the comments. I will tweet and face-book the links. However, if you are not connected to me on my face-book or my twitter, then here is my email!

Email me so I have your email and I will add you to my emailing list for what I write!

Let's enjoy the journey,


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