
Monday, November 24, 2014

The 1 Needed Realization to Stop Sinning

I keep sinning.

And I'm sick of it.

Seriously....seriously...sick of it.

Let's talk.

Sometimes I wonder, why, if I am a saint now who has the Holy Spirit and the very righteousness of God, do I still sin? Not only do I still sin, but I sin willingly, consciously, and consistently!

I've often found myself wondering at if I am a true believer because I can't seem to let go of my sin struggles and be a holy and righteous person, so what gives? Why can't I (and I'm willing to bet, YOU) quit sinning, are we doing something wrong, or was God's plan for us to be committed to Him, but still dominated by our sin life?

What have we tried already that hasn't worked?


We have tried stopping. We have tried committing to never sinning again cold-turkey. Did it work?



Because usually when we just stop cold-turkey, we are addressing the symptom, not the source. You see, our sin struggles are not the issue. They are simply a symptom of the issue.

Romans 1:18 says, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth."

Romans chapter 1 discusses the fact that every person, deep down inside their soul, is aware of almighty God. It then goes on to say that unrighteousness suppresses that truth.

Did you catch that?

Your sins suppress the truth of God inside of you.

I'm not talking about other people seeing you sin and the truth being suppressed in some third person sort of way. I'm talking about YOU.

When you sin, you suppress what you know to be true about God.

Well, that begs the question, what does it mean to suppress? Think about a gun with a silencer (or suppressor) on it. You've seen the movies, why do they have a suppressor on their gun? So that no one else hears the gunshot. So that it quiets the truth of what is happening.

Now apply this to your own life. Realize that not only do your sins suppress your ability to feel the reality of God in your life, but you sin in order to suppress the reality of God in your life.


Because you don't realize how good the reality of God in your life is.

The problem with sin isn't the sin itself. The problem is that is quiets the truth inside you.

Ultimately, a love problem. A problem with not realizing God's love for you because it has been suppressed for so long. 

You don't have a lust problem, a drug problem, a marriage problem, an alcohol problem, a gossip problem.

YOU have a LOVE problem.

So how do we stop sinning? How do break the pattern of sin that we seriously hate?

Seriously...through LOVE.

We stop creating a habitual sin by stopping the suppression of the truth inside of us and realizing the love God has for us.

God is infinitely more interesting, more flattering, more loving, than any sin you could indulge in. But until you experience the reality of that, you will continue suppressing the truth.

But know this.

God is better. 

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