
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Most of the posts on this blog are intellectual, full of difficult concepts, full of thought-wrenching ideas that make the mind reach beyond its average capacity. But where, one might ask, is the emotion; not the thought-wrenching, but the heart-wrenching? Where is the emotion that the gospel carries with it?

A broken heart.
Ehh, what's new?
A fallen world,
I'm used to that too.

Some have become
insensitive to pain.
They look the other way
as if heartbreak is gain.

Yes, everyone suffers.
Yes, everyone Cries.
So why should one care
for the tears in your eyes?

The tears are not a curse,
but rather a blessing.
A way to end
all of the suffering.

Though I have no tears,
I still feel pain.
Though my crying has ceased,
I endure my shame.

Much of life hurts,
but put your pain on a scale.
Measure it compared
to the pain of His tale.

In comparison,
one finds difficult to do.
It's not what i've done,
but what he went through.

So, where is the emotion?
Where is the feeling?
Where is the love,
that reaches to the ceiling?

It's all around you,
just search high and low.
You are sure to find it,
even if it is below.

The love of a savior
can be hard to find.
Do not search in the
depths of your mind.

Look east,
Look west,
and you will see,
although subtly,
a love as big,
as the sea.

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