
Monday, December 1, 2014

6 Steps to Stop Wasting Time and Move Beyond Mediocrity

Feeling guilty for how we use our time is a common occurrence.

Often daily.

Should we feel guilty about how we use our time?

Well I don't know how you use your time, but if you feel guilty, depressed, or anxious about how you use it, than the answer to the above question is most likely....


So what are you doing wrong?

The reality is that you are probably doing most everything wrong. If you don't use your time wisely, than nothing you do is being done for a good reason. Time is the only currency you can't get back. You spend it and it's gone. You can't get that second, minute, or hour back.


In Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders, Sanders discusses the importance of time management.

"The way we employ the surplus hours, after provision has been made for work, meals, and sleep, will determine if we develop into mediocre or powerful people."

There you have it. So why do many of us waste so much time on television, computer, facebook, etc...?

Sanders has an answer to that.

"Procrastination, the thief of time, is one of the devils most potent weapons for defrauding us of eternal heritage. The habit of 'putting off' is fatal to Spiritual Leadership. It's power resides in our natural reluctance to come to grips with important decisions."

Again, if we look at the way Jesus lived, not a moment was wasted.Everything he did was for the purpose of bringing healing to the world and glorifying God. James says this.

"What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." (James 4:14)

It is so important for us to acknowledge the truth that we are going to die and we only have so much time to spend on this earth. Will you resolve to quit wasting it?

What are some steps we can take towards being good stewards of our time?

Here are a few.

1. Make a list of time-wasters
 Everyone is going to have different things they do that waste time. If you want to move beyond mediocrity in your life, make a list, and get rid of these time-wasters. Remember, be all-in, not part-in.

2. Start scheduling
 I carry around my planner as much as I carry around my Bible. Keep some sort of calendar near-by so that you can make deadlines for yourself. Stick to them religiously.

3. For one full week, keep a time-journal
Examine how you spend your time. Keep a time-journal for 7 days that has an outline of how you spent your time that day. At the end of the week, look at how much time was wasted time. Probably staggering.

What should we spend our time on?

Here are a few TIME-SPENDERS that will usually (under the right circumstances) be beneficial.

1. Put aside time every day to spend with Jesus
 When you love someone, you spend time with them. Period.

2. Spend time being intentional in the work of minsitry
 For you, this might mean inviting people over for dinner, have a game night, or simply getting coffee with someone. Just remember, intentionally do this for the sake of ministry. It's okay to have fun, but keep in mind your bigger purpose.

3. Grow in character
This is vague, but that is because it's going to look different for everyone. I want to be a good communicator, so I spend significant time writing these blog posts and preaching at church. I also want to be healthy, so I try to eat right and put time aside for exercise. What kind of person do you want to be deep down? Start intentionally putting disciplines in your life to help you become that person. Otherwise, it will never happen.


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