
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Waiting Patiently

Our heavenly Father, we praise you for the works you are going to do in our lives today and the works you did yesterday. We thank you for our sufferings, our persecutions, our ability to endure in the faith, and your love you have so graciously given to us. We pray for those who are suffering for Christ, that they would rejoice in those sufferings and be made strong by the power of God. We pray for those who do not know Christ, that through the body of Christ and your Grace they would come to knowledge of who you are and accept you as their savior and Lord. Honor and Glory belong to you O Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

There are those people who believe that God is constantly speaking, we just have to listen so that we can hear what he is saying. I think that this is an incorrect view that is held partly because people want to believe they can hear the voice of God whenever they want to, they just have to listen. The Bible, however, doesn't teach this. The Bible teaches that God speaks when he wants to, when he has a divine mission or appointment for us. In other words, God speaks on his own time, not ours.

There have been many times I have prayed and asked God to speak to me, and have heard nothing. Some people will say that I didn't pray with enough faith, or I didn't really ask with all of my heart, which has some backing. James says "you ask and do not receive because you ask wrongly." However, if we look at the request I made, I think we will find that perhaps not every time it was asked with the right heart, but trust me my friends, there have been times in my sorrow when I cried out to God and heard nothing. Has God abandoned us? Has he given up on us when we don't hear him? Or does he love us enough to be by our side in our anguish but not speak clearly because it does not fulfill his will for us and may even end up being destructive to us? I believe the latter is partly the answer.

I have found throughout my life and my walk with God that he speaks in the moments that I'm not asking him to: when I'm exercising, when I'm going to the store, when I'm working, when I'm doing homework. Have you ever experienced this brothers and sisters? Why does God sometimes speak when we aren't ready for him to, and doesn't speak when we ask him to? This seems like God is just trying to frustrate us. I tell you, my brothers and sisters, the intention of God is not to frustrate you, or manipulate you, but to discipline you as his Child. God speaks in the times we aren't ready for him to speak so that we will learn to always be ready for him to speak. God spoke to Abraham in the midst of a polytheistic culture and told him to leave that place and Abraham responded in obedience even though he had his whole life set up where he was. God called on moses from a burning bush when moses was working with sheep, and moses left what he was doing to enter into the presence of God.

God shows us that he is in control by speaking when he wills to speak. For his timing is far better than ours because we cannot see the whole picture as God can. We only see what is happening now, but God see's everything that has happened, will happen, and is happening. God has perfect timing, and as his children, we need to learn to trust in that diving timing. "Be silent and know that I am God" he says. Be patient when you wait upon the Lord with perseverance and strength and remain in the faith and the promise of forgiveness God has given us through his son Jesus Christ. When God speaks, give up what your doing and listen. When he doesn't speak, read the word of God to be encouraged, enjoy fellowship with your brothers and sisters, pray without ceasing, and in all you do, be glad, because God is good and God is there, even when you can't hear his voice. Look back to the times you have heard his voice and remember the times that God moved in your life. That was the purpose that alters were built in the old testament, the people would pass by an alter and remember that God had worked in their life at that time and that was a reminder to remain faithful to the Lord.

God loves and disciplines his children. He is near even when he feels far away. Our imminent yet transcendent God speaks and will continue to speak, but on his own time. The question isn't are you ready for him to speak? The question is Will you listen when he does? 

"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him" - Psalms 37:7a

"I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry." - Psalms 40:1

"but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

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