
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Examine Your Calling

Oh great Father, thank you for knocking us down when we become proud. You do not let your children hurt themselves and we thank you for watching us so intently. We are such poor children, but you are such a great Father. Thank you for giving to us when we ask, thank you for holding things from us that would hurt us, thank you for caring enough to say "no" when we ask wrongly. You are a good Father and we desire your presence in this moment. In Jesus name, Amen.

I get obsessed with hobbies I take on. Currently, I'm obsessed with exercise. I've been obsessed with magic tricks, reading, theology, fiction, writing, girls, and plenty of sins that don't need mentioning. When I find something I like, I really like it. It is actually difficult for me to simply like something, and not love something. It is difficult for me to find something I like and not spend all my time doing it. Do not be like me brothers and sisters, and if you must, then obsess over God and his love.

From this kind of personality comes rashness. In other words, I find things I like quickly. Not only do I get obsessed with things I like, I like a lot of things. I like a lot of things because I don't consider it before I decide I like it, I just like it. I don't want to have to decide whether or not I like something, I just want to have something to do. Oh, my beloved, part from me in this way, do not be hindered by such rashness. For it is not good to take on any priorities without first examining whether it is worth being a priority. When you find something that is a potential calling from God on your life, examine it. Take it apart and look at the inside to see what motive is behind it. Look at the external parts to examine  whether God is for such a thing. Pray and ask that the Holy Spirit will speak to you about whether this is something to be pursued. Ask yourself why you wish to pursue this thing. Is it a holy motive or a selfish motive? Do you want to do it because God will be glorified or because you will be glorified?

I ask you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, to examine yourself when you take on a calling from God. Do not be impatient in your waiting to hear, but continue in perseverance. However, do not wait too long either. If God says "go", than go. Become obsessed with this calling if you must, because God has called you to it. God does not want you to be luke-warm in pursuing your calling, he wants you to be all-in. He doesn't want you to pursue your calling part way, but all the way. Firstly, examine whether it is the will of God. If it is, go; if it isn't, throw it out. Secondly, either pursue it with every atom of your being or let every atom of your being forget it. Be a radical, do not be wishy-washy when God calls. He has called you that you may listen. Come before him and do as he tells you.

God is with you in your walk. He will not abandon you, he will not forsake his children, but will pursue us as we should pursue him. May our love for God be motivated by the great love he has for us. God is good and God is with you.

"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands." - Psalms 138:8

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